Build rich, intuitive & highly interactive IBM Planning Analytics (TM1) applications for the web. Easy. Fast.
TM1Enterprise Services is a platform that allows developers to create sophisticated, web based IBM Planning Analytics applications without having to know the complexities of the TM1 API.
With TM1Enterprise Services you can:
•Create web forms that guide your users through the planning process.
•Convert your Excel templates to high performance web applications.
•Simplify the end user experience of complex models.
•Deploy your system to hundreds of users with limited training.
•Interact with multiple cubes through one intuitive interface.
•Integrate TM1 with your corporate portal.
Easily develop dynamic web pages that:
•Incorporate advanced controls such as buttons, calendars, repeating tables, rich text, numbered lists, and optional sections.
•Include data validation and business logic.
•Interact with IBM Planning Analytics Views, subsets, processes and chores.
•Execute IBM Planning Analytics processes as an administrative user without circumventing security policies and procedures.
•Simultaneously read and write IBM Planning Analytics and relational data sources.
Simplify IBM Planning Analytics Application Development
Streamline your development effort of planning and reporting applications without having to learn the complexities of the IBM Planning Analytics API. With TM1Enterprise Services, you can publish IBM Planning Analytics objects as JSON or XML web services with a single-click!
Easily publish objects such as:
•Cube Views
•Dimension Subsets
•Dimension Subsets
•TI Processes
TM1Enterprise Services goes beyond simple publishing of IBM Planning Analytics objects. It provides built in intelligence that dramatically simplifies development of IBM Planning Analytics applications.
•Automatically Add/Delete Dimension Elements
•Auto add new elements
•Auto increment new elements
•Auto renumber elements
•Cube View Intelligence
•Only writes updates back to IBM Planning Analytics
•Multiple attributes can be included in views
•Create, merge, delete and retrieve sandbox versions
•Clear and write cube views in a single operation
•Intelligent Network Optimization
•Uses pure JSON or XML to minimize network traffic
•Designed to reduce server post backs
•Data Spreading
•Allow write to consolidations
•Automatically spread consolidations even if no underlying data exists
•Leverages MDX
•Subsets and cube views
•Centralized MDX libraries with parameters that can be reused
•TI Process Integration
•Background execution
•Run as administrative user
•Execute dynamic TI using XML
•Email notifications
•Integrates with IBM Planning Analytics Application Folders, IBM Planning Analytics Web views and WebSheets